Project Updates from Our Spring 2022 Grant Recipients

Trustees of The Bolger Foundation were delighted to receive project updates from two of our Spring 2022 grant recipients, Lincoln Cooperative Preschool and Push to Walk. 

Their photos demonstrate more eloquently than words can express how these 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations have translated the funding they received from The Bolger Foundation into tangible realities serving their community and the world at large.

Lincoln Cooperative Preschool, Lincoln, VT

Located in the small rural town of Lincoln, VT, Lincoln Cooperative Preschool partners with parents and families to support children’s healthy growth and development.

The school’s curriculum promotes curiosity, love of learning, respect for oneself and others, playfulness, independence, and responsibility as well as a sense of belonging and community.

Lincoln Cooperative Preschool, Lincoln, VT

Thanks to a $40,000 grant from The Bolger Foundation, the coop school has expanded their facility, adding a spacious new 14’ by 20’ wing to the original building along with a fully accessible restroom.

“Lots of room for block play, moving time, and a big circle at circle time!” says Kerry Malloy, director and teacher at Lincoln Cooperative Preschool.

The newly expanded school is also now able to accommodate more students, thus helping to meet the community’s growing need for a high-quality, affordable, full-day preschool.

Push to Walk, Oakland, Bergen County, NJ

Celebrating their 15th anniversary this year, Push to Walk specializes in neuroactivity-based exercise for people with spinal cord or traumatic brain injuries, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, stroke, paralysis, and more. 

The Bolger Foundation’s $12,750 grant underwrote Push to Walk’s acquisition of a brand-new PhysioGait Dynamic & Static Unweighting Machine. This state-of-the-art equipment enables Push to Walk clients to perform walking and standing exercises regardless of their level of impairment.

Push to Walk’s personalized workouts help these individuals to achieve their highest level of physical fitness and optimize their quality of life. 


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