Looking Back at 2023 — and Ahead to 2024
As we come to the end of 2023, we look back at all of the great nonprofit organizations that The Bolger Foundation has been able to assist over the past 12 months. Our continued growth and expanded outreach exceeded our hopes. The Bolger Foundation is proud to challenge organizations and inspire those on the sidelines to get involved. That’s what founder David F. Bolger always hoped his namesake foundation would do.
Our grant applications doubled this year, including many new applicants along with some previous recipients looking for continued assistance. Grants ranged from simply funding a new HVAC system for one nonprofit to a SIM mannequin challenge for two local hospitals.
What’s in store for 2024? We’ve just launched our newly redesigned website and are upgrading our online application process. We look forward to reviewing The Bolger Foundation’s next batch of applications with an eye toward helping to make the world around us a better place. Meanwhile, we wish you all the best for the New Year!
JT Bolger is the younger of David F. Bolger’s two sons and serves as president of The Bolger Foundation.