Looking Ahead to 2025

2025 in foreground looking down road vista

Happy New Year from The Bolger Foundation! We’re fired up for 2025; we have already received 63 grant requests for this year’s Spring funding cycle, and applications are still coming in. The exhilarating possibilities represented by each of these funding opportunities boggle our minds.


Kudos to the 501(c)(3 organizations that we’ve funded over the past few years. They’re doing amazing work in their communities as well as the world around them. It’s inspiring to watch these changemakers flourish and grow. In the next 12 months, we look forward to engaging with many more nonprofits and learning about their respective missions. 


All in all, 2025 looks to be an exciting year for The Bolger Foundation. We can’t wait to discover what magnitude of impact will be made by those 501(c)(3) nonprofits to whom we award our Spring and Fall grants.


The Bolger Foundation accepts applications during two periods annually: November 1-February 1 for Spring grant requests and June 1-September 1 for Fall grant requests. Funding decisions will be made within six weeks of the conclusion of each application period and grantees promptly notified by email or mail.

To apply online for funding, go to TheBolgerFoundation.org and click on Submit a Grant Application. Please read our Grant Request Guidelines and FAQs before you fill out and submit your Application for Funding.

Meanwhile, we wish you a happy, healthy, and rewarding New Year!


The Boston House: Challenge Met, Mission Accomplished