New Windows for Fall 2022 Grantee Dawn Treader School

Dawn Treader School (Paterson, NJ) has made excellent use of their $125,000 challenge grant from The Bolger Foundation. Having successfully raised a matching amount, the nondenominational school used their grant money plus additional donated funds to replace the 219 windows in their historic building, which originally served as the Rosen Union Works Mill.

Men at work replacing windows at Dawn Treader School

The school is located in Paterson’s Great Falls Historic District, which is a National Historic Landmark. So the 19th-century building’s replacement windows had to be historically correct to meet the requirements of the city’s Historic Preservation Commission.

For example, each of the fourth floor gymnasium’s windows is nine feet high, with an arched top beneath a brick arch built into the building’s façade. The original window frames were wooden, but the new aluminum windows are energy efficient and designed to be low maintenance.

Dawn Treader School's gymnasium windows - before and after

Dawn Treader School’s gymnasium windows: before and after

Named for the ship in C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia, Dawn Treader Christian School educates children in an intercultural setting, helping them develop their unique talents to become leaders in the community..

Kudos and congratulations to Dawn Treader School for their successful fundraising campaign and the resulting transformation of their repurposed Rosen Mill building!


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